Science Flask

Children's IQ Test

Suitable for children ages 8-14

This test consists of four subtests and is suitable for children ages 8-14.

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The Future Belongs to Those who Prepare for Today

Developing the necessary set of skills for a very rapidly evolving future is paramount for those who want to compete and remain competitive for years to come. For adults, this means attending professional development courses, spending time refining the necessary trade skills needed to advance one’s career. For children, the route can be a little more varied, and at times require a more granular approach to learning, given that children first need to develop the skills necessary to understand basic educational concepts before they can evolve their understandings and apply them to fields like engineering, physics, mechanics, or programming, for instance.

Another distinguishing factor between intelligence tests for adults, and those tailored for children, is that adult intelligence can be measured and projected more easily because most adults are working with the same, or similar, bank of understandings. Measuring a child’s intelligence, which is affected and strongly influenced by factors outside their education, can be more challenging, but also more rewarding in that it can provide insight as to what core skills of theirs might need improvement, and helping identify concepts in need of clarification. As people age, they begin to rely more on their robust crystalline intelligence to get them through new and unfamiliar scenarios. This way, there is less time spent learning through trial-and-error methodologies, and more work can be done getting to the crux of the issue, since all of the low-level information will be present and ready for use. Crystalline intelligence in adults allows them to move more quickly through new scenarios, and adapt themselves more quickly to changing circumstances; for example, everyone remembers their first time using a computer, learning to find the power button, wait for it to boot up, learn what a username and password are, how to navigate a keyboard, how to use a mouse, all of these things were brand new to us on our first attempt. Now recall how quickly you managed to login to your computer the last time you used it; for many of us, this is accomplished every morning before our eyes are completely open, checking emails and social media feeds while our morning coffee brews. Not needing to learn how a computer works every time we come into contact with one is a result of our crystalline intelligence. Children are at the beginning stages of figuring out how to apply their experiences to new situations later on in life. It’s the reason they are so inquisitive and curious, and those are traits that need fostering, because they are the fuel that feed the fires of growth and learning.

Intelligence testing for children is not meant to place them along a spectrum and keep them within their “norm.” Instead, it is used to measure how well children are developing their core set of skills needed for further education, the results of which can help parents and educators develop unique curriculum to help a child down their unique learning path. The one thing that rings true across all corners of the IQ testing field is that persistence brings change, and anyone looking to better their mental aptitude can make fantastic strides with enough practice. Which is why we developed our testing platform, to help parents and educators find the perfect fit for their child’s educational needs.